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Means Beautiful-People

The calling happened in 2021 to follow spirit back to country. Zarshua separated from her husband, packed up her kids and began a mission of the soul, to walk in spirit, to visit sacred sites, reinstate protocol and open to womans lore with her mother and lore keeper after pushing through for protocol. 

Below is one dream time story and painting Grandmother Lore.

Created by Zarshua as an expression for the people. We are blessed to be viewing and receiving this gift. It is in her humble heart that she openly shared it with the world. As Zarshua knows how important it is to open this knowledge and share it, with the world!

May the story take you to the essence of the painting and activate the space inside you needed to receive this share wholeheartedly.

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Grandmother Lore

Grandmother Lore. Tree of Knowledge. Spiritual Lore. Water Lore – The wisdom that is learnt in you over your life- guided by love, discipline and knowing. – VERY SINGULAR AND SHORT

The emu feathers portray Old Emu Dreaming of the Sky. The faceless source of the Uni-Verse. We are all interconnected through our bloodline, marriage lines and song lines that are energy. We are of the elements and the elements are given from the Ancient of Days. The faceless creator.  He is made up of the dark space across the milky way – He shows the breeding behaviour and cycle of the heavens.

The singular white dots in the background are Orion, Taurus and Pleiades. They have multiple names and stories depending on what part of the country and earth you descend from. In short Orion – is made of Pi and knowing what is in his heart, hunting down the 7 sisters: 3 men in a canoe, 3 sisters, 3 kings and more through the dreaming. Along with the 7th sister who stayed earth side sitting in the belt. Taurus is between Orion the hunter and the 7 sisters. The bull depicts the daughters of the water and are spirits that are of Old Man Emu who cry out for their sisters. They are sisters/spirits/emotions/feelings of the 7 sisters and are known also in part as the intellectual and civilized way to wage war through Lore. The Pleiades or the 7 sisters have again multiple dictations and stories.

The Alder/Elder Tree. (The brown rings);

The outer part of a tree is known as a trunk. As is the human body. The inner part of a tree is called a book. Hence the term the book of knowledge. Each ring symbolises the 100km radius of knowledge the tree is able to encompass. These rings symbolise each year of our being and how you are infinite at any one time as tyme moves through you; you may be 15 and scared and you may be 42 and knowledgeable in a particular field of learning. They are the lessons that we have learnt and used to grow and acknowledge the spiritual understandings of everyday lessons.

The large white moon and the 8 arches are a multi layered construct. In the simplest form it shows the spirit of woman. The womb or the dilly bag dreaming stories that is the infinite of spirit that is who makes you, you. She is the breath of consciousness that is everything and nothing simultaneously and infinitely.

The 8 is a symbol of the 8th day and the intercalations of the season of change in our life. Knowing how to read the “heavens” spiritually and see the unseen through the 7 realms of connection to spirit outside the physical understanding. They also represent the burn and tare cycles of the earth and the ceremonies held throughout the intercalations of the seasons of each year, through the 49 year generational cycles. To cultivate the land.


Story time 

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